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西利亚·撒克斯特是19世纪美国女作家,其作品以其所居住的海岛为背景,记录了她在岛上的生活以及周围的自然景色。她在作品中表达了对自然之美的无尽热爱,这份热爱不仅局限于传统的田园牧歌式的自然景致,也延伸到了神秘而令人胆怯的荒野之中。本文结合当代环境美学家关于“非美自然”的论述,并参考康德对于纯粹审美判断的阐释,从“距离”与“道德”两个角度对西利亚作品中关于灾难性自然景观的言说进行审美意义上诠释。西利亚坚持以自然的名义欣赏自然,希望借助康德式的纯粹审美还原审美自然灾难的合理性。此外,她选择成为灾难的“旁观者”而非“参与者”,克服了“恐惧”对于审美自然灾难所产生的阻碍,证明了欣赏自然灾难的可行性。分析西利亚作品中所体现的自然审美思想,不仅是对自然文学研究领域的进一步延伸,也是对当代环境美学理论的一次反哺与验证。西利亚对自然灾难的审美言说是一次勇敢的尝试,不仅为人类积极地理解自然灾难提供了一种可能性,也扩宽了“非美自然”的审美疆域。  相似文献   
基于CGSS 2013数据,以旅游领域为切入点,以游客为研究对象,分析游客环境知识的影响因素及其城乡差异。研究发现:性别、受教育程度、环境问题了解程度、政府环境治理行为对游客环境知识具有显著影响,且这些因素对游客环境知识影响的城乡差异显著。据此提出,应通过教育手段增进游客环境知识的储备,通过宣传手段推进游客环境知识的积累,通过行政手段加强游客环境知识的引导,进而引导游客树立生态环境保护理念和实施公共环境友好行为,促进生态环境的可持续发展。  相似文献   
不同于既有农民工城市融入研究中的宏观制度主义视角,也区别于单一组织微观实践路径的研究取向,文章基于粤南沙镇的实地调研经验,总结提炼出“半正式组织”这一新型实践类型,有助于弥合既有研究中的宏观与微观鸿沟。“半正式组织”是对现代组织“正式与非正式”二元对立框架的尝试性超越,在组织结构、成员关系、资源链接方式等方面均呈现新特征,其形成机制可概括为党建引领、组织挂靠与领袖吸纳。“半正式组织”的实践功效表现为助推农民工在流入地提升经济机会,增强政治参与,链接公共服务,扩展群体社会交往,因而成为现阶段有限制度供给和市民化成本分摊机制不均衡情境下,实现农民工城市融入的新路径。  相似文献   
远程医疗作为一种新型医疗模式,突破了医疗资源在时间与空间上的限制,为优化医疗资源配置、实现优质医疗资源下沉、提高基层医疗服务能力提供了有效途径,具有良好的经济效益与社会效益。在国家相关政策的有力推动下,城市医疗集团结合自身发展需求开始大力发展远程医疗。文章运用文献研究法和态势分析法(SWOT analysis,SWOT分析),探讨了城市医疗集团发展远程医疗的内部优势(S)、劣势(W)以及外部机会(O)、挑战(T)。最后运用SWOT矩阵分析得出如下结论:抓住发展契机,发挥政策导向(SO策略);增加财政投入,促进多方参与(WO策略);完善政策法规,加强宣传力度(ST策略);线上线下结合,尝试差异化服务(WT策略)。  相似文献   
“镇改市”是我国基层行政体制改革的试验,也是在新型城镇化过程中对基层行政区划改革做出的有益尝试。以构建大中小城市和小城镇协调发展的城镇化空间格局为目标指向,通过激活中小城市的发展“命脉”,改变单纯依靠经济推动乡镇发展的路径依赖,实现“农民城”向新型城镇的跨越,是中国经济发展的新探索。然而,随着改革的推进,缺位的行政规划设计、有限的乡镇管理能力、被异化的政绩观念、社会组织发育不成熟以及市民文化普及不到位等,对“镇改市”的推进造成一定程度的制约,成为“镇改市”过程中难以回避的现实问题。问题的化解离不开政策的引导、技术的支持和法治的保障,这三个维度相互联系、缺一不可,共同为“镇改市”改革的顺利实施“保驾护航”。  相似文献   
This paper examines the ways in which socio-cultural norms have shifted to accommodate higher levels of autonomy in urban communities. Largely critiquing traditional concepts of community as well as current dystopian perspectives on the fluid and vapid state of social organisation, it will show how individualism has been incorporated into societal norms, producing highly autonomous personalised networks that, when combined with large amounts of social interaction and imaginative cultural appropriation, create the common social and cultural practices emblematic of community structure. It also illustrates how many activities, traditionally viewed as indicative of social decay, are socially productive, in that they go towards generating the common bonds and world-views that unite individuals across urban landscapes. Focusing particularly on the spaces of community interaction, the construction of common identities and common sense of belonging, this paper sets out to explore alternative modes of community creation and enactment in a contemporary urban environment.  相似文献   
This article discusses how local diversity is being experienced by Somali immigrants who have previously lived in the Netherlands and are now residing in London. It explores the various challenges and potential advantages of living in homogenous urban areas within a super-diverse city and focuses on three situations: (1) when homogeneity is functional and leads to living in parallel worlds; (2) when homogeneity creates social reproduction, even when located in a super-diverse city; and (3) when people manage to oscillate between both worlds – i.e. between homogenous urban areas and the potential offered by a super-diverse city. The article argues that migrants trace different pathways in the context of super-diversity. They have the ability to operate at different scales – the locale and the cosmopolitan super-diverse metropolis. However, the most vulnerable people have more difficulty in accessing and benefiting directly from the potential offered by super-diversity.  相似文献   
The rapid rise of crowdfunding in the past five years, most prominently among US-based platforms such as Kickstarter and IndieGoGo, has begun to attract the attention of a wide range of scholars, policymakers and practitioners. This paper considers civic crowdfunding – the use of crowdfunding for projects that produce community or quasipublic assets – and argues that its emergence demands a fresh set of questions and approaches. The work draws on critical case studies constructed through fieldwork in the United States, the UK and Brazil, and a discourse analysis of civic crowdfunding projects collected from platforms by the author. It offers three provocations to scholars and practitioners considering the practice, questioning the extent to which civic crowdfunding is participatory, the extent to which it addresses or contributes to social inequality, and the extent to which it augments or weakens the role of public institutions. In doing so, it finds that civic crowdfunding is capable of vastly divergent outcomes, and argues that the extent to which civic crowdfunding produces outcomes that are beneficial, rather than harmful to the public sphere, will be determined by the extent to which the full range of stakeholders in civic life participate in the practice.  相似文献   
Women's safety is a key concern of governments and civil society today. In India, the issue has become prominent in the wake of the gang rape and murder in 2012. One of the key elements in addressing the lack of safety in cities is identifying the causes. SafetiPin, a mobile app, is one tool that has been developed to collect data on safety in cities. Building on the international methodology of safety audits, SafetiPin has transformed it into a mobile app that crowd sources data and information on insecurity in cities. Using SafetiPin, data have been collected in seven Indian cities. This article examines some of the data to understand what factors lead to lack of safety and insecurity in cities, and discusses future plans for the project.  相似文献   
“产业和城镇融合发展”与“推进以人为核心的城镇化”互为因果,相互促进,是城市实现可持续发展的基本要求。产城融合要以“产城人”互动为基点,构建产城人互动的有机体系,以人的发展为目标,以城市功能为载体,以产业高级化为动力,达到产业、城市、人之间有活力、持续向上发展的城镇发展模式。政府推动产城融合的政策措施需要重点关注:积极推动产业向高级化转型;完善公共服务,提升城市生活品质;促进产城融合发展的区域协调。  相似文献   
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